Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Pre-Posting

This year my favorite class is Biology. My teacher is, Mr. Maniscalco and I have had him in my eighth grade year, but for Robotics. My expectation for his class was to learn how the body works; organs, cells, tissues, brain, heart, etc. I also expected to learn about the animals and medicine.

Sadly, I do not think that we will go on any trips this year. When we take notes, he moves too fast for the entire class so he suggested that we were able to bring in our own laptops if we wanted to, I think that is a great idea. His grading policy is very strict, but he is easy on us when giving notes. The tests are 40%, quizzes are 15%, projects are 25%, Homework and class participation are 10%, and Informal assessments are 10%. He gives us note tests every week, just to see if we have the notes to keep up with the class.

I do not have a problem with his class, it just moves very fast and is all too much new information to learn in one week. Mr. Maniscalco has a dog, a daughter, and used to be a first responder for 9/11. He used to be a nuero scientist and retired then decided to teach. He told us that by him teaching us, it made him feel younger than he is.
