Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

Every year during Thanksgiving, my family always has our family over, mostly from my Dad's side. We would always set up the tables in our family room and we always make dessert (mostly pies and cake). My Dad is always the person to make the Turkey and my mom always makes the stuffing. Before we eat, we say what we are grateful for every year and what we hope for in the future. My mom always decorates the house with pumpkin scented candles. 

Starting this summer, my mom and grandma are going to start teaching my sister and I how to cook the meals we always make. My grandparents always bring rice and more dessert. Another tradition my mom has is that she makes an onion dip to go with any type of chip. My mom also makes toasted bread with homemade cranberry, cream cheese topping. My sister and I devour my mom's dip every year.

Starting this year, my dad is starting to host an annual football game at our local high school for every age. This year, my dad and his friends and their sons/ daughters played together or on the side watching people play. I had plenty of fun this year and this has to be my best Thanksgiving yet. 

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