Friday, December 18, 2015

New technology lets callers send video to 911

-Cutting edge technology is now available that allows citizens to send video to 911
-The videos can give officers an immediate view of what's happening as they arrive
-If a crime is happening, witnesses can shoot video of it and use the app to send it to 911
-An alert sounds in dispatch every time someone uploads a video to 911 and it tells dispatch and officers in their cars to take a look
-The program had recently been installed in Oklahoma
-The app displays their name, address, phone number, and location the video was taken

Watch this video!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Social Bookmarking Project

1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
             Another way I can organize and store information is to bookmark or save the websites to favorites
2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn't learn before?
             I have learned that I can bookmark multiple websites on a site. I did not know that there were any websites that could bookmark.
3.What are some other social bookmarking apps/websites?
            Some other websites that we found during class was and
4.Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
            Yes, I would keep using the bookmarking for projects and research papers

Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Now 12/15

If I could wear an invisible cloak for a day, I want to be able to save somebody and be and unknown hero. I would try to help any kids that are being made fun of, struggling in school, depressed, or just straight up being bullied. Depending on how bad the situation is, I would not want to get physical. I know in my sister's grade, her friends are bullied, getting bullied, or depressed. I know that nobody says anything to defend one another, so I will be the person to step in and keep the bully away from the victim. I would not want to get physical, because then the kids would get scared. I would rather whisper to someone to do something, but not creepily.
If somebody was being bullied, I would try to tell someone to help them out. Bullies are really harmful to this generation, and people are really sensitive. I would follow my sister throughout the day, mostly because her grade (in my opinion) is the worst and meanest grade. Most of the drama is caused from the boys, so I would mostly just try to keep the grade bully-free for a day.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Do Now 12/7

The class that I would have added to our school curriculum would be a French class. I know that in college you have to take a language in order to graduate, and the three most common languages is French, Spanish, and Italian. I would have to class during third period, fifth period, and eighth period. During the class, I would have the students go over the basic words and learn the forms of each common word. Just like spanish and italian classes, I would have different levels of French classes and an Honor Society. The honor society would go to places, restaurants, and museums to see French subjects and foods. 
The class would consist of a classroom filled with desks, Flag of France, French posters, textbooks, and a big chalkboard. I would want the students to have fun in the class and play learning games with vocabulary and have fun projects that fit their learning style. I would play videos of people saying French words during the class to do their work. In order to show the school that the students are improving in the class is do to projects that show they know the words and how to have a common conversation with someone before they have to move on to the next course. 


Thursday, December 3, 2015

RSS Discussion Questions

  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
  2.      I selected these sites I subscribed to because, they looked really interesting.

  1. Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
  2.      It was easy to find topics to chose from, but it was difficult trying to find the right sites and subscribe to them. 

  1. Which sites were your favorites?
          My favorite sites were the volleyball sites and science.

  1. What else can you use RSS feeds for?
  2.       I can RSS feeds to keep up with the news and sites I subscribed to.

  1. How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
  2.      I am most likely to use RSS feeds in the future. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

Every year during Thanksgiving, my family always has our family over, mostly from my Dad's side. We would always set up the tables in our family room and we always make dessert (mostly pies and cake). My Dad is always the person to make the Turkey and my mom always makes the stuffing. Before we eat, we say what we are grateful for every year and what we hope for in the future. My mom always decorates the house with pumpkin scented candles. 

Starting this summer, my mom and grandma are going to start teaching my sister and I how to cook the meals we always make. My grandparents always bring rice and more dessert. Another tradition my mom has is that she makes an onion dip to go with any type of chip. My mom also makes toasted bread with homemade cranberry, cream cheese topping. My sister and I devour my mom's dip every year.

Starting this year, my dad is starting to host an annual football game at our local high school for every age. This year, my dad and his friends and their sons/ daughters played together or on the side watching people play. I had plenty of fun this year and this has to be my best Thanksgiving yet. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

W-R Wikipedia Page Findings

1. Wood-Ridge Junior/Senior High School is a six year comprehensive public high school
2.Wood-Ridge Junior/Senior High School
3.It serves students seventh through twelfth grade
4. Principal is Mr. Petrocelli
5. We no longer have a newspaper
6. We do not have a golf team anymore
7. No longer have a Cross Country Team
8.More than 362 students enrolled
9. Girls Soccer is no longer with Hasbrouck Heights High School 
10. Girls Soccer has not been updated since 2010

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do Now 11/9

      On the first day of break, Thursday, I slept until one o' clock and my friends and I went to the boulevard and ate lunch with them but I did not get home until six thirty. Afterwards I went to the Montclair State University and Kean University Game with Gabby and Steph, Montclair won. On Friday I slept until one again and I went to the boulevard again and went to the field to play volleyball with my friends. Around five o' clock, a ball was hit towards my face and I went to cover my face and my left pinky went numb. I looked down and my pinky was bent sideways and it was off the joint. I went to the hospital and they put it back into place, I have to wear a splint for two to three weeks. After the hospital I went out to hangout with my friends.
       Then the next day I went to the Varsity Football game and went to the movies after to see "Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension" with my dad and Arielle. I went to my friend Jillian's house after. On Sunday, I went to hang out with my friends again for lunch and went home because I was not feeling well. Around five o' clock I went to club volleyball tryouts, but I could not play because of my finger.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

What I learned from this video overall is that in educational purposes you are allowed to use the image from anywhere, as long as its licensed and you give credit. Copyright is also a federal law in every subject you could think of. It is allowed to use an image for a project not used publicly. If you post something publicly with no credit, it is a federal offense and you can get arrested for that.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Subject Do Now 10/19

Google Forms can be used for any type of project or essay you need to write. I can be able to move around all parts of my project/essay into the perfect format for my teacher/professor. Without going through the trouble of trying to figure out what to do to please our teachers, friends, peers, or co-workers. Google Forms has everything for me!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Logbar Ring

- this ring lets you point and gesture to turn on TV, switch on the lights, or launch and app on your smartphone
-it is $270 and is a bluetooth
-it connects to an apple TV and amazon fire

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Pre-Posting

This year my favorite class is Biology. My teacher is, Mr. Maniscalco and I have had him in my eighth grade year, but for Robotics. My expectation for his class was to learn how the body works; organs, cells, tissues, brain, heart, etc. I also expected to learn about the animals and medicine.

Sadly, I do not think that we will go on any trips this year. When we take notes, he moves too fast for the entire class so he suggested that we were able to bring in our own laptops if we wanted to, I think that is a great idea. His grading policy is very strict, but he is easy on us when giving notes. The tests are 40%, quizzes are 15%, projects are 25%, Homework and class participation are 10%, and Informal assessments are 10%. He gives us note tests every week, just to see if we have the notes to keep up with the class.

I do not have a problem with his class, it just moves very fast and is all too much new information to learn in one week. Mr. Maniscalco has a dog, a daughter, and used to be a first responder for 9/11. He used to be a nuero scientist and retired then decided to teach. He told us that by him teaching us, it made him feel younger than he is.